Youth Halloween Row 2014

Photos from the youth’s final Fall row, our now traditional Halloween Row. Click to enlarge:
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Costume prizes went to Reese Sterling (FULL chicken costume and mask), Isaac Ashton (aka Robin Hood) and Waldo (Neal Hafner). Worst Costume went to Rob Falk for wearing his Iron Man mask for the 2nd year in a row. A special mention goes to Stephen Brown who managed to find the tree stump that tripped him and broke a bone in his foot that put him out of most of the season. He was a lumberjack, me thinks he has been plotting his revenge for some time… We had lots of pretty wings, varied animal heads, a sleuth of bears, two skeletons, a rather beautiful red-headed witch (!), a bank robber, Spongebob  and a Tootsie Roll. Thank you to all who made the effort, and even managed to row in your crazy costumes! We went out in small boats with most of our coxswains rowing. It was a gorgeous evening, a great round off to a very successful Fall season.

Coach Min