- Ask for assistance, especially on a windy day.
- Wear wading shoes for better traction. Rocks can be very slippery.
- Secure plugs before moving a boat. Loosen plugs after racking.
- Take your oars and water bottle to the shore first, then take the boat.
- Always log out, even if taking a boat that is already in the water.
- Move the boat to the slings (with assistance if necessary) to check the equipment. Look for loose bolts and nuts, and broken fixtures. Move it to the water after it checks out.
- If the water level is low, drag the boat into 18 inches of water.
- Hint: Everything faces the stern – the open side of the oarlock, the footstretchers, and your gaze.
- Tighten the oarlock gates snugly. Double check once under way.
- Adjust the footstretchers so that the oar handles graze your ribs when you are in the finish position.
- For stability, bring the oar handles together with blades flat while you board.
- Paddle away from the shore with short, shallow strokes.
- After removing the oars, close the oarlock gates to prevent damage.
- Be sure your slings are set up before you untie.
- With assistance, carry the boat to the slings. Watch the skeg, please.
- Clean the boat, using towels and spray cleaner.
- With assistance, rack the boat, with the bow towards the south or central area of the boatsite.
- Open the drain plugs and hatch covers to ventilate the boat.
- Log in, and note any damage or trouble.
[Note: Board members, please let me know if any of this material needs revision]