Our Sculling Oars are organized on the oars rack in sets, specifically dedicated to Quad use, Doubles use and Singles use. Oars for the Quads and Doubles are matched sets and we kindly ask that rowers not split the sets to use on boats other than those to which the oars are assigned.
Quad Use Only: Purple and Blue Banded Oars located on the left side of the rack
Doubles Use Only: Orange and Yellow Banded located in the middle of the rack
Singles Use Only: Located on the right side of the rack
Please take a moment to revisit the Oars Chart posted on the side of the rack to ensure you are selecting the appropriate oars for the boat you are rowing. It is out of courtesy to our fellow club members that we ask you to only use the oars assigned to the specific boat types, whether rowing on the Delaware or heading to a regatta.
Thank you for your consideration.