Safe sport training link

Per guidance from US Rowing, all adult members of SCRC will be required to complete Safe Sport Training.  A committee was formed to field questions.   Emails can be sent to [email protected].  Link and guidelines are below:

  • Go here:
  • Click on Enrollment Key, enter NGBUSR-RFKt8f 
  • Fill in the required fields on the account creation form, click submit
  • The course shown on the dashboard under “My Courses” will by default be “SafeSport Trained Core”, if you are a board member, administrator, staff, or coach you take this course
  • If you are an adult athlete only, and do not occupy one roles above, you select “Safe Sport Training for Adult Athletes” under “Catalog”, click enroll, and take that course instead
  • Upon completion of either course, you will be marked as having completed SafeSport training in the USRowing roster