Fall State of the Union

It’s been a while since I have given a Club Update. l will start the update with topics that have happened since the May Membership meeting. So here goes! (you may want to grab a cup of coffee 🙂 )

Sprint Regatta Season:
Both Youth & Masters Club Members competed in many of the sprint regattas. During the sprint season several members, such as the women’s sweep and quad groups, competed for the first time. In total, the Club has had great success, as Swan Creek earned at least one gold medal in each regatta! A big thank you to Steve Platt for diligently posting the regatta results and pictures for each event! You can visit the Club web site to see the results posted for the regattas.

Swan Creek went international this year! The men’s 4- (Alan, Dave, Steve & Gary) competed in the Henley Masters and made it to the semi-finals!

The sprint season ended on a very high note at Master’s Nationals. Pat Glover earned the GOLD Medal in the 1x (you may have seen the newspaper article about Pat in the Bucks County Herald)! This was a fantastic achievement and a highlight in a very successful rowing career! Congratulations Pat!

Youth Members Excel!
This news is somewhat dated, but worth revisiting. Mackenzie King was named to the US Rowing Jr. National Team! This is an outstanding accomplishment for Mackenzie who rowed for the SCRC youth team for four years. She spent the summer training with the Jr. National team and is now enrolled at the University of Virginia where she is studying engineering on a rowing scholarship.

This summer the youth program graduated several members who will continue rowing (as well as studying) at college. Nice work by Coach Min and her staff in getting these young adults ready for the next level!

SCRC’s Newest (and Youngest) Addition:
Speaking of Coach Min, she and her husband welcomed Finnian Thomas Aspell into the world on September 21th! Mom and baby are doing great!

The Club conducted an adult LTR over the summer. The program lasted ~10 weeks and 8 new members completed the program. The program focused on sweep and now the group is learning the art of sculling under the guidance of Coach Maureen Wagner. If you see some new faces around the boat site introduce yourself. Chances are they could be the members of the 2015 LTR Class

SCRC Goes Corporate!
The Club conducted it first official LTR / Corporate leadership program in September. A one-day program was held for a Global Leadership team at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. The program for the 11 Pfizer employees made the connection between the teamwork necessary in our sport to the teamwork required in Corporate America. A big thank you to Holly Sleph and Patti Beans Clark for leading the program as well as Club Members: Chelsea Salisbury, Tara Fisher, Karen Falk, Trish Riley, Portia Roberts, Joe Lehman, and Murray Glover. This was a great accomplishment for SCRC. Future programs like this could benefit the Club

Delaware River Recreation Foundation aka “The DRRF”:
The plans presented during the May membership meeting are still progressing for both the dock as well as the boat house structure. The team continues to meet with key local, county & state of NJ stakeholders. When more definitive timelines are known, the DRRF will update the membership.

Fall Head Race Season:
The fall racing season started off with a BIG day for SCRC. Both Youth and Masters competed in the Kings Head Regatta on Sept 20th. The Club had entries in 15 events and took Gold in 6 events (Including the Men’s High School Trophy awarded to the first place crew in the Men’s HS/Youth Varsity/Sr. 4+ for most improved crew.) The Club also earned a silver medal in 3 events.

Please check out the SCRC website for all regatta results.
Over the next few weeks SCRC members will be competing in the following regattas: Navy Day, Head of the Charles, Head of the Schuylkill & Head of the Fish. We wish our competitors the best!

Board Elections, Bow Lights & Boat / Site Maintenance:
As you are checking out the web site for the regatta results, please take a look at the recent posting for several Club topics. The web site is updated frequently and is the best source for SCRC information. If you have any questions regarding the 2016 Board elections please contact me, I will be happy to discuss.
That’s all for now… I am sure you finished your coffee!
