I wanted to provide an update to some of the projects and other items we have on going at SCRC:
The Shed: The shed is open for business! On behalf of the Club I would thank the following members who made this happen!
- Richard Bradlee for donating the shed; Dave Gallagher for getting to shed to the site; Murray Glover, Dave Cuff and Bob Edwards for erecting the shed!
- This much needed storage space will allow the Club to have a dedicated space for safety equipment and a dedicated space for boat equipment
Sculling Blades: Thanks to the efforts of Club member Tom Toale, many of the scull blade grips have been replaced and collars aligned to a more consistent setting. The next steps for the oars (both scull / sweep) will be painting the blade and attaching the Swan Creek colors. Jim Berwick and I will be coordinating this effort.
Boat Maintenance: Thank you to the members of both the Youth and Masters programs that helped out with the boat maintenance on September 7th. We were able wash several boats (inside as well as the hulls) and replace many of the foot stretchers.
Fall Race Schedule and Club Boats: Please check the Club web-site for the details of when the regattas will be and the Club boats that have been reserved for these races. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Park.
Yours in Rowing, Richard Park