Swan Creek Men win the Mens Open D 4- at Masters Nationals in Oak Ridge, Tenn, with a blistering start and two boat lengths of open water by 400 meters. A final time of 3:14.99 for the 1000m.
Watch the 4- race here, also some good deals on chicken nachos.
Other results:
- Mens Open C 2- Heat 1 (Juergen, Brian), 5 of 7
- Mens Open C 2- Heat 2 (Alan, Dave), 3 of 6 (top 3 to final)
- Mens Open C 2- Final (Alan, Dave), 5 of 6
Full results here
Row2k Gallery:
- Mens 4- here and here
- Mens 2- Alan/Dave, Brian/Juergen