We have a site cleanup and boat move day planned for Saturday, March 31st. Please arrive at 9 AM. The rain date is Sunday, April 1st. We are doing these things earlier this year, and on one day, in anticipation of continued warm weather, and because the boat trailer is already at the site. Please mark your calendars to reserve the date. In spite of the mild winter weather, we will be watching the river closely to make sure that the conditions are adequate before any equipment is launched. Bring shovels, wheelbarrows, work gloves, rakes for the site maintenance. Bring 7/16″ wrenches for the rigging. If you have a boat rack for your car, put it on and come down. We need to move the small boats, oars and riggers from the Sodano’s barn in Rosemont. We will also rig all of the club boats.
And, of course, before you can row, your membership dues need to be paid. The membership application is on the website (check out the new website design – Thanks to Steve Platt) under the “Membership” pull-down menu. If you have trouble accessing the file, send an email to [email protected] As always, remember that all pages of the application need to be filled in. It is important for our insurance policy that you sign the waiver and the swim certification. Your membership is not considered current until all paperwork is complete. To be efficient, both for yourself and and club, we will have applications and pens at the site clean up – just bring your checkbook!
As the season gets closer, it is important that we have up-to-date information on you, like emergency contact name and number and, of course, your preferred email address.