SafeSport Update

The Safe Sport document for SCRC has now been published on our website. Our parent organization, USRowing, required that all rowing clubs adopt an athlete safety program to safeguard all club athletes especially our youth athletes.

All members should take some time to read it, the athlete safety program addresses the six prohibited conducts: bullying, hazing, harassment (including sexual harassment), emotional misconduct, physical misconduct and sexual misconduct (including child sexual abuse); criminal background checks; education and training; reporting; and enforcement. Our policy outlines and clarifies SCRC’s athlete protection policy, our commitment to athlete safety, how we select our staff, education of types of misconduct and how to recognize it and report it. This document is especially relevant to parents who have youth athletes in the club. Youth Policies have also been published separately on the youth pages on the SCRC website.

If you have any questions please reach out to a current board member. Any incidents witnessed or experienced in any of these areas should be reported using the club’s incident report form.

Thank You!
SCRC Board