Row Your Weight and Equipment Committee

Please remember to know and row your weight class. Over the coming weeks we’ll be refreshing the boat labels with the required weight class. Please refrain from rowing boats that you are too heavy or too light for. It is bad for the equipment and unsafe for you. We have a new Peinert X25, in Murray’s favorite color, that is a LW boat and people have been excited to take out. Please don’t  row this boat unless you are under 160 lbs.

Second, I’m forming an equipment committee to help speed up the repair time. We need 3-5 volunteers who can help coordinate and pitch in with on site repairs. Please reply back to me if you are interested.

Please remember your boat maintenance! We are two months into the season and our boats get heavy use. A broken or dirty boat is bad for everyone. Wash and clean the boats with every outing and check the hardware once a week. If you break something, don’t worry, just email me and we’ll take care of the repair. If you are missing a nut/bolt/washer, replace it with one from the shed.

Thanks for your time and happy rowing,
Chris Bowley

PS – Watch out as the water level drops! We love our skegs.