On Saturday, one of our boats had a rigging mishap and lost an oarlock nut while on the water. Evaluating the boat before launching would have prevented the mishap. Below is a short checklist to review every time before you launch.
- Confirm rowing conditions with flag notification and river visibility
- Make sure your session has been reserved in iCrew and that you check the boat out and in
- Give the hull a quick look ensuring that the skeg is secure and there are no noticeable issues
- Secure drain plugs
- Check rigger nuts to make sure they are tight
- Check oarlock for any sign of failure and that the top nut is secure
- Adjust oarlock spacer bushing and replace any missing bushing (an adjustment before launching is much safer than on the river)
- Check heel tie-downs to make sure there is not excessive play (should be around 2 inches of movement)
- If rowing at twilight (morning or evening) secure a boat light on the bow
- Secure oar in oarlock with post of oarlock toward the bow of the boat
- Report any problems with the boat in iCrew and notify Boat Captain