A group called Awesome Adventure Women has asked if we would provide them with a one-day rowing experience. Before we commit to them, we need to make sure we would have Club members available to assist in the event. Several persons would be needed to assist in the on-land and on-water instruction. The event would be held on Sunday, July 29 at the boat site. It would be several hours in length. We have had a few inquiries from groups that want to conduct team-building events this year; and it may be a good way for the Club to raise funds in the future, if we have the members who can devote some time to it.
Contact me at [email protected] if you are interested.
There is a sign posted along the boat launch ramp that indicates that fees must be paid to the State Park Commission to launch a boat. We believe that it does not apply to Swan Creek Rowing Club because we pay them an annual fee. If you are questioned on this matter, you can find our Site Use Permit on the bulletin board on the rear side of the boat sign-out cabinet.
And, of course, before you can row, your membership dues need to be paid. The membership application is on the website under the “Membership” pull-down menu. If you have trouble accessing the file, send an email to [email protected] As always, remember that all pages of the application need to be filled in. It is important for our insurance policy that you sign the waiver and the swim certification. Your membership is not considered current until all paperwork is complete.