Joaquin In, Christina Out

We had 10 entries in the Head of the Christina in Wilmington this coming Sunday, 10/4/2015. Sadly due to Hurricane Joaquin the regatta has been cancelled. The date for next year is 10/2/2016. See the now below from the regatta director:

Dear Coaches,
Regrettably we will have to cancel this year’s Head of the Christina Regatta. It was not an easy decision but with the Marine Police already notifying us they will be pulling back, our starting line station River Taxi cannot go on the water Sunday with the wind predictions, 2 neighboring states declaring States of Emergency already, fairly strong winds still predicted for Sunday (20 to 30 mph), all the rain with potential flooding plus faster currents and larger tides all adds up to potentially unsafe conditions. Not to mention the debris that can come with high waters and the travel risks associated with rain and wind.

I know you all understand that and we ultimately have to look out for the safety of our rowers when making these decisions.
We will be able to do partial refunds through Regatta Central once we assess our expenses already incurred. I will notify you again soon so you can check your credit cards to make sure it comes through.
Thank you for your understanding and as always your continued support.

We hope to see you all again next year. Please mark your calendars for October 2, 2016.

Joseph E. Sullivan
Regatta Director
2015 Head of the Christina