ErgFest 2015 Tentative Heatsheets Now Posted

The tentative heatsheets for the Swan Creek ErgFest are now posted on RegattaCentral under Heat Sheet/Draw

  • Final heatsheets will be posted Saturday, 3/7/2015
  • Expect slight adjustments on race day.
  • Registration opens at 8:00 am.
  • First heat starts promptly at 9:00 am.
  • Kids 500 meter dash will follow the last race of the morning

It’s never too late to register:

  • $20 in advance thru RegattaCentral
  • $25 at the door.
  • Walk-ins welcome!

Spectators welcome!

Join us for an after party at Publick House

  • 4 minutes from the race venue
  • Wycombe Publick House, 1073 Mill Creek Road, Newtown, PA
  • Showering optional