Dues and Singles Rack Work Party 4/6/2013


Please send in your dues payments and membership forms with waivers. This is a heavy expenditure time of year for the club. We have purchased a new lightweight quad and a four, have expenses for launch motor repairs, and improvements to the boat racks. In addition, you cannot row unless we have your waiver forms. These forms are necessary for you to be covered by the SCRC insurance.

Singles Rack Work Party:

SCULLERS NEEDED TO MAKE FINAL IMPROVEMENTS TO BOAT RACKS – THIS SATURDAY, 9 A.M. The racks for the singles need more work in order to accommodate all of the boats we expect to have at the site this year. If you row a single, PLEASE PITCH IN! Bring shovels and hammers. Also put your boat rack on your car. We need to retrieve a few singles, pairs and doubles from the barn.

Also to ensure we add enough rack space (we are planning on 28 – 30 1x slots). We ask that club members who would like to store their boats for the season email Richard Park or Murray Glover with your request for the 2013 season.
