Spring has just about arrived! Time to get back on the water! Volunteers are needed for the site cleanup on March 22nd at 9am. The following weekend (3/29) we will also need help moving and rigging the boats.
In anticipation of getting back out there on the water, please remember to re-up on your dues prior to rowing.
Site Cleanup 3/22 @ 9am Cancelled as of 3/21/2014 9:30 am
Please bring some rakes and trash bags for overall site clean-up from the winter. There is currently no major plans to revise the rack spaces. Depending on the amount of help, we expect this to only take about an hour. In addition, we could rig the two new boats that are currently at the site.
Boat Move 3/29 @ 9am
The trailer will be brought back from storage on 3/29. We will need help offloading and rigging all of the equipment. Please bring with your 7/16″ wrenches. In addition, we will need a couple of volunteers to pick-up some of the smaller boats at the Sedano’s Barn.
If you have any questions please contact: [email protected]