Boat and Equipment Meeting Reminder 1/12/2013 @ 9:30 am

Hello SCRC Members!

Happy New Year to you all, 2013 is going to be a great year!

We have set the date for January 12 for the Boat & Acquisition Meeting at the Glover’s, 8 Overlook Court, Lambertville, NJ. This communication regarding the meeting has two attachments. The first is the agenda for the meeting. The second is the Equipment Request Form. [ Note: Links to these forms can be accessed via the Constant Contact emailing that was sent on 1/1/2013. ]

The request form is new to the acquisition meeting process. The reason for the request form is to allow all club members a chance to submit a request for equipment they feel the club should consider in the event they can not attend the meeting. Forms that are received by January 12th will be reviewed during Acquisition Meeting. If a form is not received, the request will not be reviewed at this time.

The form requires three basic pieces of information

  1. Who is requesting the equipment
  2. What type of equipment is being requested
  3. Why the Club should consider this purchase (justification)

Please send completed forms or if you have any questions to Richard Park.

Thank you for your input!
