There are several ways to get started at Swan Creek Rowing:
Learn-to-Row/New Member (Sculling): Swan Creek offers a Learn-to-Row/New Member Clinic. Any interested person or new member receives safety, and on-the-water training during the clinic.
Individual Instruction: Instructors for individual coaching are available through the Club. After passing a Basic Skills Checklist, you can row on your own during the normal rowing season, as conditions permit.
Experienced: If you’ve rowed before (either sweep or sculling) and would just like to get on the water, you can arrange to be checked out by one of the instructors. At this time you’ll be given some orientation that will help you get up to speed with Swan Creek’s boat handling procedures, safety guidelines, and river navigation. If you’re crossing over between sweep and sculling, you’ll need to go through one of the two novice programs mentioned above.
Contact: Membership Coordinator
Or write to the Club at:
Swan Creek Rowing Club
P.O. Box 153
Lambertville, NJ 08530