Help Needed to Refinish The Oars

As some of you may know, we are in the process of re-painting all of the oars for the club.  One of our members (Alan Albanir) has graciously offered us space in his barn, not to mention his countless hours working on the oars.

This coming Saturday (3/8) at 10am, we are looking for some volunteers to help with light sanding, masking and painting the remaining oars.  We need approximately 8 to 10 people and expect this take 2-3 hours.  If you are able to donate your time, please email: [email protected]

Winter 2014 Quarterly Update

I hope this message finds you well! It has been a long winter, hopefully sooner than later, the ice and snow will melt and we will be back on the river! This is the first of the quarterly updates I will send out to membership to keep everyone apprised with the goings on at SCRC.

The off-season erg sessions have continued for both the Youth & Maters programs. Several of the Club members have competed in the in-door rowing competitions and had great success! The first competition was the CRASH B’s in Boston. Our own, David Cuff, won the veterans event and youth oars women and SCRC Board Member, Mackenzie King, placed second overall for junior women. In Philadelphia, Tom Linus place third in Men’s Masters at the Center City Slam. Congratulation to David, Mackenzie & Tom, and thank you for representing the Swan Creek Rowing Club so well!  Continue reading Winter 2014 Quarterly Update