Tentative 2013 ErgFest Date

Although still in the planning stages, the 2013 Swan Creek Erg Fest will likely be held on Sunday, January 27, 2013 at 8:30 am at the Eagle Fire Hall in New Hope. Note the earlier date this year (last year’s race was on 3/25/2012). Based on feedback from 2012, we decided on the earlier date to better synchronize with the youth program’s winter training, attract more rowers that may want to use ErgFest as a warmup for other races scheduled in Feburary, and to ensure that indoor racing is well behind us before we hit the water in spring.

ErgFest will precede these other major or local races:

2/2 Mainline Slide
2/3 Haddonfield Hammer
2/9 Center City Slam
2/17 CRASHB’s

Note that in 2013 we will also be offering a 1000M alternative distance.

Check back for updates.

Photos for PowerPoint

As those of you who attended the Swan Creek Meeting last week know, our non-profit 501c3 group has been formed to search for a site in the New Hope – Lambertville area for a future boat house and dock launching.

We are putting together a PowerPoint presentation on rowing at Swan Creek to help us present rowing to potential landowners/ sponsors during our search. If you have any photos (at Swan Creek, on the river or during competitions) that you would like to contribute, please let me know.

If you have any other questions or suggestions for the boat house site search, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Jane Wilson