Youth at Head of the Fish

The youth attended the last Head race of the season in Saratoga Springs in NY. This a large regatta with a huge youth focus, Sunday being completely dedicated to youth races, and the end of Saturday also featuring youth races. Swan Creek Youth worked hard and consistently placed ahead of their competitive peers, remarkable when you consider the size of our program, all credit to our athletes. We made many friends that weekend but God bless America for Canadians! We lost the Arabella off the trailer on the way to the regatta, a strap snapping to break the bow clean off. St Catharines came to our rescue, lending us a 4x for a race. A great atmosphere, crazy good competition and some testing elements – read on for the break down…

Miranda kicked off the youth races, racing on Saturday afternoon. She came in 19th out of a fiercely competitive field of 26.

The first race on Sunday was an early one, Stephen and Sean started the days racing in the Mens Junior 2 – 10th of 13. This was Sean’s first time steering a race, and both being new to the pair this month. A great duo, well matched. Will be interesting to see how these two develop next year.

Mens Junior 2x – Nicholas & Jack Stauffer. Jack is a relatively new sculler so Nic guided him down the course. A great effort and a great result, 27th of 42.

Mens Junior 4+ – Cox: Max Wohl, Stroke: Derek, 3: Christian, 2: Jordan, Bow: Ryan. A very large field with the Swan Creek boys coming in just over a minute behind the winners, a small margin in a head race. Their result belies their achievement – 20th of 44.

Mens Junior JV 4+ – C: Lulu, S: Andrew, 3: Jack Darling, 2: Jared, B: Stephen DNF. A great start and then a harsh lesson learned – nuts and bolts loosened and riggers popped. They limped home and helped tighten bolts for the rest of the day. Such a shame guys, a boat with great potential. Next year right?

Womens Junior 4x – S: Mackenzie, 3: Leah, 2: Kelly, B: Miranda. Just over a minute behind the leaders, these ladies beat some huge clubs including the hosts to come in 7th of 20, all in a borrowed boat.

Mens Junior 8+ – C: Lulu, S: Isaac, 7: Rob, 6: Michael Breed, 5: Jake, 4: Josh, 3: Will, 2: Tim, B: Max Bretl. Possibly the lightest crew out there in the increasing headwind but building experience with each race. A young crew (included 3 novices from our LTR program) with big potential. Good fight out there guys. 42nd of 45.

Womens Junior 4+ – C: Max Wohl, S: Jacqueline, 3: Maddie, 2: Brianna, B: Kelly – 38th of 44. Another huge field full of big club athletes. However our ladies took a boat and raced their race, great focus.

Womens Junior Novice 4+ – C: Lulu, S: Zoey, 3: Katie, 2: Abbey, B: Lizzie. These girls went out on the water with high expectations for themselves, huge dedication to the race and each other and pushed so hard. I learned a lot about these ladies during this race. They are tough! This is just the spirit I wish to see in SCRC Youth future, a fighting spirit and determination to come off the water with nothing left to give. I was so proud! They came in within the top quarter – 11th of 36.

Mixed Junior 2x – Miranda & Derek, Mackenzie & Ryan. Race cancelled due to white caps :'(

Mixed Junior 8+ – C: Max Wohl, S: Leah, 7: Zoey, 6: Jack Stauffer, 5: Nicholas, 4: Michael Szymanek, 3: Christian, 2: Jacqueline, B: Kelly – 11th of 28. Less than 45 seconds from 3rd, with 1st and 2nd coming in 25 seconds ahead of the rest of the field. The second race for everyone apart from Michael (3rd for Kelly!), a fantastic effort from everyone, passing at least 3 boats on the home stretch. Very exciting to watch and a great showcase of Swan Creek talent.

An extra big shout-out to our coxswains Max Wohl and Lulu who raced 3 races each on Saturday. An exhausting prospect but an even more exhausting job, to maintain focus and enthusiasm for race after race is no easy task. They make it look easy. Thank you Max and Lulu. We missed you Sam!

Also a big thank you to all the parents who contributed your time and effort to make this a well-fed, warm regatta, to Bryan for trailering and for bringing your well-behaved children. They are a credit to you, and vice versa. And thanks for looking after me!

To all our Swan Creek Youth – thanks for such a wonderful first year of racing, I have enjoyed it immensely and look forward to sharing many more seasons with you. Keep humble and proud of who you are – the best group of teenagers I have ever worked with!

November workouts will be posted next week on Teamsnap and winter registration coming very soon – keep an eye on your inbox.
