Equipment “Wish List” Requests

It’s that time of year to start figuring out what our wishes are for next year. Please work with your respective boats and submit equipment needs so the requests can be reviewed and prioritized. The scope is all inclusive and includes, but is not limited to launches, boats, oars, oarlocks, shoes, cox boxes, stroke coaches, slings, safety equipment, racks, and other necessities. All Requests need to be submitted by October 31st 2015. Please send an email to [email protected] with the Subject line of: “2016 Equipment Request”. The body of the message needs to include:

  • Requester (individual or team) :
  • Equipment Request (Actual ITEM):
  • Estimated Cost:
  • Desired Timeframe to fill Request:
  • Reason for the Request (this is where you need to sell why this is important. If the item is a maintenance item, be very specific about what you are asking for) :
  • Ideal timing of obtaining this item (time of year purchase question):
  • Is this a net new item or is it proposed to replace something (please explain) :

This is an important opportunity as it gives everyone and every team in the club a chance to voice what is needed to keep the club running and get better! Once this data is collected and compiled, expect to see an invitation to a meeting to discuss your requests and prioritize them for 2016. These requests will then be put against the available budget, and owners will be identified to fulfill obtaining the approved items.


PS. Over the last few years, the club has primarily invested in rowing shells. This has been so successful that we are pretty much out of space for adding more rowing shells to our fleet. With that in mind, I believe any boat recommendations would be more along “upgrades” and many other requests will be focused on maintenance of what we have.