Carnegie Lake Regatta 2016

Club Results
  • Womens Masters 1x (Pat), 1 of 6 <<< GOLD
  • Mens Masters 1x (David), 5 of 5
Pat Glover won her event (Womens Masters 1x) at Carnegie Lake Regatta last weekend. She continues to race hard, quietly entering regattas, quietly winning regattas, quietly beating her competition despite having a smaller time handicap…quietly rather good! Well done Pat!
Pat Glover with another win at Lake Carnegie this past weekend. 28 seconds raw and 6 seconds with handicap.
Also, a thank you is overdue to Pat, she has been quietly (definitely a theme here…) presiding over the youth program for just under 4 years, having just stepped down. She has helped to ensure the program runs smoothly and established a robust program, solid in its standing in the club and community, protecting youth with well-developed rules and guidelines whilst establishing equality and fairness to countless youth, directly or indirectly. Pat continues to be on the youth committee as treasurer; her insight still helps the youth committee greatly.
Thank you for your service Pat. (Coach Min)