Boat Move Completed and Seeking Volunteers for Youth Indoor Erg Coaching

The boat move occurred on Saturday. Thank you to the organizers and everyone who participated. We were able to place most of our boats on the new, larger trailer and take it to the Kingwood Township DPW Yard where it and the boats sit under a fabric structure for the winter.

Youth Erg Coaching Assistance Needed

As we prepare for the indoor training season, our Youth Program still has only one coach (Carol Hey).  The Youth Coordinating Committee (chaired by Pat Glover) is working to find another, qualified coach. In the mean time, we need to have at least two persons at all Youth training sessions primarily to provide them with coaching on the ergs. We are seeking volunteers from among the membership to assist Carol.  Approximately 16 Youth are expected to participate.

The schedule for the Youth workouts at the ESC School in West Amwell is as follows:

  • December 3 to December 19: Monday and Wednesday  6 – 7:30pm.
  • January 7 to February 14: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 6 – 7:30pm.

If you can help, email Pat Glover,and include a bio of your rowing experience.

While you are at it, you can congratulate Pat for winning the Head of the Schuylkill Regatta, as well as a variety of other races this year!
