Fall Race Schedule

The fall racing season is fast approaching! The purpose of this communication is to highlight some of the regattas club members plan to participate in this fall (see list below). If you would like to race in any of these regattas and plan to use a club boat please contact me. Also, if you are looking for a race partner, I can help make the connection. The regattas are a lot of fun and a great way meet other club members!

My contact info is: [email protected]

For those you race with one of the club teams (i.e. Women #1, Men’s Masters, Youth, QW1 (women’s quad). I will coordinate directly with the team Captains.

I plan to have the Club fall race & equipment schedule set by Labor Day weekend so we know the boat & trailer needs.

Listing of regattas SCRC typically competes in, for a full listing of regattas please see Regatta Central

  • Kings Head – Philadelphia PA, Sunday 29th Sep.
  • Head of the Christina – Wilmington, DE, Sunday 6th October.
  • Navy Day – Philadelphia, PA, Saturday 12th October.
  • Head of the Charles – Cambridge Ma. Saturday October 19th this is a two day event
  • Head of the Schuylkill – Philadelphia, Pa Saturday October 26th this is a two day event
  • Head of the Fish – Saratoga Springs, NY, 26th & 27th October

Yours in Rowing, Richard Park