Hello SCRC! Some follow-up items from the membership meeting held Friday night:
Sculling Blades Maintenance
During the meeting there was discussion regarding the condition of the sculling blades. Below is an outline of the plan to get the blades in shape for the fall season
- Inventory the club blades (compare to the inventory last fall). We are aware that one blade was destroyed when it was left on the boat ramp.
- Match sets of oars
- Label the oars for either the 4x / 2 X / 2- & 1x
- Align collar setting for each type of boat
- Replace handles & collars as needed
- Paint oars (we will stagger the timing of the painting so enough oars are in service while the paint dries on the other)
I will start the inventory process today Aug 11; all we need is two or three volunteers to help with the balance of the plan. Please contact me at [email protected] if you can help out. The goal is to be done by the end of Labor Day weekend.
Ocean Kayaks at the boat site:
There are two ocean (open) kayaks at the boat site. One is green the other is yellow. Please contact me if they belong to you. These kayaks are currently being stored at the location reserved for two of our members. If I do not hear back from anyone by next weekend, the kayaks will be removed.
Transportation of the Club Shed
The foundation for the shed will be complete this week. We are looking for help in getting the shed to the boat site. The shed is dissembled and could fit in the back of a pickup truck.
If you can help us with this task please contact me (email above) of Bob Edwards [email protected]
Yours in Rowing, Richard Park