High Water Caution and Reporting Boat Damage

High Water Caution:

This week’s rain has increased the river water elevation to rise above 12 feet. It is predicted to go below 12 feet by Saturday morning.  Remember, if it has been raining, to check the Club website before you row to make sure the river is not too high. Sometimes, it may not rain much in Lambertville, or where you live, but it may rain heavily further up in the Delaware River drainage basin. That can cause high water in Lambertville. So always check! This week, we posted the river hydrograph (the chart showing river elevation at Trenton) on the website homepage in order to serve as an alert. However, you can get the up-to-the-minute hydrograph by clicking on “Forecast TREN-4 Delaware River at Trenton“, on the right side of the homepage. That tells you if it is safe to row, whether or not the red flag is up. Also, any member can put up the red flag; but only a Board member can take it down.

Unsafe conditions can also be caused by high winds or large debris in the river. Use your common sense to stay safe.

Reporting Boat Damage:

If a boat or oar is damaged while you are using it, please report it to a Board member. Chris Bowley is in charge of maintenance, but you can report the damage to any Board member. Do not attempt to repair the damage yourself! We recognize that equipment gets damaged and we have a budget to pay for professional repair.

We are also asking that all organized groups (youth, women, men) have their coxswains ask each rower if there is any damage at their seat as they are coming off the water. This will aid in getting damaged reported and repaired quickly.
