High Water Alert 3/29/2014

As of 3/29/2014 9:19am, river levels are forecast to rise through tuesday 4/1 exceeding 16 feet. Keep an eye on the Trenton river gage. The red flag is currently up.

(Note: The river status on the right side of the website is not currently updating due to a problem on the NOAA site.)

Boat Move Success

Thank you everyone for your help this morning with the boat move and site clean-up. Everyone did a great job and we were done in about two hours.

We are missing a fan rake that someone brought with them. If you accidentally went home with the wrong one then just shoot me a note and we will reunite it with it’s owner.

We are all looking forward to getting out on the water. With the pending river crest tomorrow please note that the red flag is up. Continue reading Boat Move Success